With huge support and help of our friends, their friends.. friends of their friends, also volunteers greatly contributed and are still contributing in creating the Earth for us.
Many of the volunteers partecipated in constructing the houses, gardening, tree planting, clearing the terrain, building of the bread oven, drywall reparation and countless other jobs on the path towards a sustainable estate, especially when starting from zero.
Big thank you to all of them for that.
The Earth for us is an estate which is still building and shaping. If we take into consideration that we found here more than 600 olive trees that were affected by a big fire, you can probably imagine how much work we have just to revitalise them.
There is a lot of other factors that make this story not so fairytale as it sometimes seems to people coming from cities and imagining the idyll life in nature.
We still bring the drinking water from the nearby villages so also this basic need for water demands organisation, time and energy.
In the last ten years the climate changed extremely and summers on the Earth for us are not at all easy. The temperatures are very high and it’s very difficult for all living beings to bear the drought and temperatures that are sometimes even reaching above 40 degrees celsius.
Sometimes there was a lot of effort and energy put into some actions that in the end brought only a lesson and experience, but there was no fruit from it. Many of the planted trees didn’t survive dry summers or uncommonly cold winters. This is just an example of some of our „defeats“. We are aware that just by being human beings we are responsible for everything that happens to the Planet Earth and our need to act and not give up is even bigger.
In this phase when everything seems very exhausting and hard we need help in terms of phisical labour and support to feel that together we are stronger.
Sometimes it seems like since we started this „journey“ we are fighting windmills and trying to survive and adapt to the conditions that are not easy at all.
Maybe all of this scared you and repulsed the thought of visiting and helping us, and if it didn’t than you are the right person for the Earth for us 🙂
We are still here.
For all the details regarding the volunteering on the Earth for us please write us an email, send us a message, call us…
Uz ogromnu podršku i pomoć naših prijatelja, njihovih prijatelja.. prijatelja njihovih prijatelja, i volonteri su uvelike doprinijeli i još uvijek doprinose kreiranju Zemlje za nas.
Mnogi su volonteri sudjelovali u gradnji kućica, vrtlarenju, sadnji stabala, krčenju terena, izgradnji krušne peći, popravcima suhozida i bunje i svim ostalim poslovima kojih ima nebrojeno puno na putu kreiranja samoodrživog imanja, pogotovo ako krećete od nule.
Hvala im od srca na tome.
Zemlja za nas je imanje koje se još uvijek rađa i oblikuje. Ako uzmemo u obzir samo činjenicu da smo ovdje zatekli preko 600 stabala maslina stradalih u požaru vjerovatno možete pretpostaviti koliko imamo posla samo oko njihove revitalizacije.
Mnogo je drugih faktora koji ovu priču čine ne tako bajkovitom kako se ponekad čini ljudima koji dolaze iz gradova i zamišljaju idilu života u prirodi. Pitku vodu još uvijek donosimo iz obližnjih sela tako i da ta osnovna potreba za vodom zahtjeva organizaciju, vrijeme i energiju.
Klima se u proteklih desetak godina ekstremno promijenila i ljeta na Zemlji za nas nisu nimalo laka. Temperature su iznimno visoke i vrlo je teško svim živim bićima izdržati suše i temperature koje ponekad prelaze i 40 stupnjeva. Mnogo se truda i energije ponekad uložilo u neke akcije od kojih smo na kraju dobili samo lekciju i iskustvo, ali ne i plodove od uloženog. Mnoga nam posađena stabla nisu preživjela sušna ljeta ili pak neuobičajeno hladne zime. To je samo jedan od primjera nekih naših “poraza”. Svjesni da samim time što smo ljudska bića, odgovorni smo za sve što se događa sa Planetom Zemljom i naša potreba da djelujemo i ne odustajemo još je veća. U ovoj fazi kad se sve čini jako naporno i teško potrebna nam je pomoć u vidu fizičkog rada i podrške u smislu da osjetimo da smo zajedno jači.
Ponekada nam se čini da od kada smo krenuli na ovo naše “putovanje” zapravo vodimo borbe sa vjetrenjačama i pokušavamo preživjeti i prilagoditi se uvjetima koji nisu nimalo laki.
Možda vas je sve ovo preplašilo i odbilo od pomisli da biste nas mogli posjetiti i pomoći nam, a ako nije onda ste vi prava osoba Zemlju za nas 🙂
Mi smo još uvijek tu.
Za sve detalje oko volontiranja na Zemlji za nas molimo vas pišite nam na mejl, tipkajte poruke, zovite..