With the project „Time in the Stone“ we wanted to solve several problems at the same time – the first was the decrease in the number of children in the Stonemason school, the only one in this part of Europe. The second was an insubstantial knowledge about the available support for the reconstruction of the drywall, which is followed by the third problem, and this lack of experience in reconstruction, that is, lack of concrete skills.
We have found that we can solve all of these problems, that is, stimulate their solution with a project that will educate, inform and show how heritage is preserved, and how tourism does not have to contradict sustainable development and how the future of both personal and island development is precisely in traditional occupations and skills.
During the project, from March 8th to March 20th, 2018, we have renovated over 300 meters of drywall, and our beautiful, marvelous ‚bunja‘ – stone hut.
The first weekend was devoted to restoring the ruins with the leading hand of Mate Martinović from Donji Humac, after which the enthusiastic stone lovers went on to rebuild damaged descent along the way. Carried away by the amazing atmosphere and deep connection to the stonebuilding, the great team went on and additionally created the magnificent drywall stairs, lead by the drywall master – Ivica Trute Šćepanović from Gornji Humac.
Most of the project and workshops were reserved for young drywall students, the seventh graders from the local primary school Pučišća, who participated in the project for two full days.
Young Pučišćans have a very rare opportunity to enroll in a local stonemason high school reknown for its quality, uniqueness and frequent cooperation with international institutions, and they are the ones who can become the masters of traditional skills and professions, and thus ensure their preservation.
The project was also attended by the volunteers from around Croatia and Europe, some of whom were meeting with drywall building for the first time, while others were already crafted stone masters.
The project was covered by the national television, national and local media, numerous information portals, and social networks (Facebook, Instagram).
We guarantee that, once you connect with a heartbeat of the stone and experience the magic of building drywalls, you will become hooked and will never be able to stop.
Projektom „Vrijeme u Kamenu“ željele/i smo riješiti nekoliko problema istovremeno – prvi je uočen manjak bračke djece u klesarskoj školi, jedinoj takvoj u ovom dijelu Europe. Drugi je neinformiranost otočana o potporama za obnovu suhozida, koju prati treći problem, a to je neupućenost u same načine obnove, odnosno manjak konkretnih vještina.
Smatrale/i smo kako sve ove probleme možemo riješiti, odnosno potaknuti njihovo rješenje projektom koji će educirati, informirati i na djelu pokazati kako se čuva otočka baština, te kako turizam ne mora biti u kontradikciji s održivim razvojem, i kako je budućnost i osobnog i otočkog razvoja upravo u tradicijskim zanimanjima i vještinama
Tijekom trajanja projekta, od 8. do 20. ožujka 2018., obnovile/i smo preko 300 metara suhozida, i našu prekrasnu, čudesnu bunju.
Prvi je vikend bio posvećen obnovi bunje uz vodstvo meštra Mate Martinovića iz Donjeg Humca, nakon čega je na rasporedu bila obnova porušenih podzida uz put i ugradnja suhozidnih stepenica, uz pomoć meštra Ivice Trute Šćepanovića iz Gornjeg Humca.
Najveći dio projekta i radionica je bio rezerviran za mlade suhozidare/ke – sedam sedmaša i jednu sedmašica iz O.Š. Pučišća, koji su na radionici sudjelovali dva puna radna dana.
Mladi Pučišćani imaju danas vrlo rijetku priliku upisati se u mjesnu srednju Klesarsku školu poznatu po kvaliteti, jedinstvenosti i čestoj suradnji s međunarodnim institucijama, te su upravo oni ti koji mogu postati meštri tradicionalnih vještina i zanimanja, te osigurati njihovo očuvanje.
Na radionici su također sudjelovali i volonteri/ke iz Splita, Zagreba, Finske, nekima od njih je to bio prvi susret sa suhozidarstvom, dok su drugi već vješto stvarali kamena čuda.
Projekt je popratila nacionalna televizija, nacionalni i lokalni mediji, brojni informativni portali, itd. Također, cijeli smo projekt dokumentirale/i i na našim društvenim mrežama (Facebook, Instagram).
U jedno smo sigurni/e, nakon što se jednom povežete sa srcem kamena i iskusite suhozidarstvo, postat ćete omamljeni i teško ćete moći ikad stati.